Welcome to the community page for Latin America! Here you’ll find iGEM programs focused towards Latin America such as your regional iGEM Ambassadors, iGEM Design League, projects and resources built by the Latin American iGEM community to support synthetic biology in the region, and the latest news, events and updates from the local synthetic biology community.

Regional Projects & Resources

iconScience Communication
iconOpen Science & Accessibility
iconLatin America

SynBio For LATAM

Create a Latin American (LATAM) SynBio Network to connect the region's countries under related topics. We seek to create high value connections, develop a collaboration-friendly environment, and promote diverse opportunities among the LATAM community.
iconLatin America

Hacking iGEM: How to decode the competition

The Grand Jamboree 2022 is only a couple of months away! Do you want to find out what it takes for your team to stand out? Join our “Hacking iGEM: How to decode the competition” online series

iGEM Design League

iGEM Design League

The iGEM Design League is a competition led by iGEMers from Latin America to enable local students to #DesignWithBiology by proposing solutions through a synthetic biology framework.


The iGEM Leagues Program is paused. Learn more...

News & Blogs From The Region

Regional Events

iGEM Ambassadors for Latin America

Over 13 countries from Latin America have participated in the iGEM Competitions and have used their experience to build and advance the local synthetic biology ecosystems.

The iGEM Ambassadors for Latin America are the main support team for all LATAM iGEM teams, from both the iGEM Competition and Design League.


2025 iGEM Ambassadors & Promoters For Latin America

Sofia Sanchez
Sofia Sanchez
Ambassador - Latin America
Monterrey, Mexico
Manuel Fernandez
Manuel Fernandez
Ambassador - Latin America
Cambridge, MA, United States of America
Nathaly Raquel Romero Balladares
Nathaly Raquel Romero Balladares
Promoter - Latin America
Guayaquil, Ecuador
Amy Simpson
Amy Simpson
Promoter - Latin America
Puebla, México
Natalie Edwards
Natalie Edwards
Ambassador - Latin America
Santiago, Chile
Andrea Tambo
Andrea Tambo
Ambassador - Latin America
La Paz, Bolivia
Xavier Alexandro Rios Salinas
Xavier Alexandro Rios Salinas
Ambassador - Latin America
Sucre, Bolivia