A community comes from a group of people with shared experiences. Each year the iGEM Competition brings together over 300 teams to share their work and advance the field of synthetic biology while solving changes important to their local communities. Each individual in those over 5000 have their own reason to participate in iGEM, but once they reach the end of the season and graduate from the competition, they retain a shared experience and core values.

While competition teams are one element of this community, it extends far beyond them and involves individuals who create what we call the iGEM experience. These are the judges, the mentors, the advisors, the volunteers, anyone interested in learning about synthetic biology and anyone who is a part of the global synthetic biology ecosystem. More than 60,000 individuals have shared this iGEM experience and their contributions have gone on to develop the field of synthetic biology over the past 2 decades.

Our Purpose

The iGEM Community program brings together all of them to amplify their individual impact, support and grow the global synthetic biology community through a collective effort, and further develop their own skills and careers. It is a resource-rich space for iGEMers to team up, and collaboratively build assets for the synbio ecosystem, while developing into the future leaders of the field.

With new topics, projects and activities on-board and finally getting a chance to bring the global synthetic biology community together at the iGEM Grand Jamboree in Paris, 2022 had been another exceptional year for iGEM Community. This annual review presents the highlights and continued development of iGEM Community in 2023.

Our People

More than 150 members from 35 countries and 90 cities from across the world joined us as iGEM Ambassadors, Project Heads & Volunteers in 2023.

iGEM Ambassadors

In 2023, we hosted 35 Ambassadors from 19 different regions and 30 cities from across the world. The iGEM Ambassadors represent and promote iGEM and synthetic biology in their respective regions. They are a diverse and international team of regional leaders who have experienced iGEM and now work together to promote initiatives to expand iGEM and collaborate with local stakeholders to disseminate cooperation across their community.

Ambassador Countries: Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Costa Rica, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Ghana, India, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Mexico, Spain, Uganda, United Kingdom, United States

iGEM Promoters

In 2023, we also welcomed 3 iGEM Promoters to the iGEM Ambassador Program. iGEM Promoters are members of the synthetic biology community who haven’t participated in the iGEM competitions but are passionate about promoting synthetic biology and iGEM and our opportunities in different regions. Promoters, together with Ambassadors, support iGEM with feedback from their regions.


The iGEM Ambassadors for Africa worked on improving the iGEM Competition experience for both established and prospective iGEM teams from the region. The team members had proficiency in Arabic, English, French and Swahili, and also helped connect with the community in Middle eastern countries.

  • The regional iGEM Ambassadors engaged in 8 different African countries including: Egypt, Ghana, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa, Rwanda, Tunisia
  • They supported 3 teams from the region participating in the 2023 iGEM Competition; iGEM Makerere, AshesiGhana iGEM Team, AFCM-Egypt (Egypt)
  • Connected with 14 potential teams
    to participate in the iGEM Competitions.
  • Engaged with over 20 organizations and institutes
    to bring them closer to the synthetic biology community.
  • Participated in 10 events across Africa.

Asia & Oceania

The iGEM Ambassadors for Asia & Oceania engaged with iGEMers and students particularly from high-school to promote iGEM Competition to new institutes.

  • The regional iGEM Ambassador engaged in 11 different countries and territories in Asia & Oceania including: India, Dubai, Singapore, Pakistan, Maldives, Iran, Thailand, Hong Kong, Japan, Australia, New Zealand.
  • They supported 31 teams
    from the region participating in the 2023 iGEM Competition.
  • Connected with over 55 potential teams
    for future iGEM Competitions.
  • Engaged with over 50 organizations and institutes and invited them to the synthetic biology ecosystem.
  • Participated in 14 events across Asia & Oceania

Latin America

The iGEM LATAM Ambassadors are the main support team for all Latin American iGEMers, from both the iGEM Competition and Design League. They act as a bridge between the teams, the HQ, and the iGEM Community and provide advice, access to platforms and resources, or help with your projects.

  • The regional iGEM Ambassadors engaged in 9 countries across Latin America; Brazil, Ecuador, Panama, Peru, Mexico, Bolivia, Perú, Colombia, Costa Rica
  • They supported 23 teams
    participating in the 2023 iGEM Competition and the iGEM Design League.
  • They connected with around 40 past teams and potential teams
    to support their participation in future iGEM competitions.
  • They promoted iGEM and synthetic biology to 16 organizations, institutes and universities


The iGEM Ambassadors for Europe are passionate individuals that went through the iGEM competition cycle and guided the journey of European teams with additional resources, networking opportunities and advice.

  • The regional iGEM Ambassadors engaged in 6 countries across Europe including: Ireland, UK, Netherlands, Germany, Georgia, France, and 1 in Asia, Kazakhstan.
  • They supported 47 teams
    from the region participating in the 2023 iGEM Competition.
  • They promoted iGEM and synthetic biology to over 75 organizations and institutes

North America

The North American Ambassadors are a group of nine passionate individuals currently residing in Canada and the United States working to support iGEM teams and iGEM alumni across the region. They organized different events and resources to act as a source of guidance for teams as they tackle the competition.

  • The regional iGEM Ambassadors engaged in Canada & USA
  • They supported 18 teams
    participating in the 2023 iGEM Competition.
  • They connected with 9 universities and high schools
    to support their potential iGEM teams.

Community Projects

Over the years, we connected with many of our community members who were looking for a platform where they can connect with individuals and access resources needed to realize a diverse set of ideas which they considered important for the iGEM and synbio community.

In 2023, we invited and hosted current and future synbio leaders to head community projects across 8 different topics. Academia & Research, BioArt, Education, Governance & Policy, Industry, Open Science & Accessibility, Science Communication and Women in STEM.

24 individuals joined us to lead 23 different community projects with teams spread across 29 countries/territories and over 70 cities.

Supporting iGEM Teams

Understand Global Biotech & SynBio Governance

Improving Accessibility in SynBio

Excelling beyond the Competition

Promoting Synthetic Biology


Do you have an iGEM story to share? We are introducing iGEMx - a platform to share your stories from around the world. This opportunity leads to many challenges and accomplishments that may otherwise not be highlighted. While iGEM currently provides opportunities for written work, many iGEMers would equally benefit from opportunities to share their stories orally. The team conducted a webinar in 2023 on Cell Economics: The Interplay between growth and gene expression in bacteria.

iGEMers Governance & Policy Newsletter

The iGEMers Governance And Policy Newsletter aims to be a space to promote synbio and biotech governance and policy news, reflections, and overviews from iGEMers and synbio enthusiasts. The newsletter will provide the community access to the current policies related to synbio hot topics as well as proposals, and positions on scientific policies, regulations, and diplomacy. 3 Newsletters published in 2023 cover the latest developments, opportunities and news coming out globally concerning the field of synthetic biology.

Lens on Labs: SynBio Research Talks (Experts Talk)

Lens on Labs hosted and curated lectures on the interfaces of synthetic biology with experts from the field. In 2023 they hosted a webinar on Fixing CO2 by Integrating the Best of Chemistry and Synthetic Biology with Dr Nico J. Claassens.

SciComm Made Easy

SciComm Made Easy hosted podcasts exploring science outside of the lab and its importance in facing the upcoming sustainability challenges. The team hosted four podcast episodes on science and science communication and published an article on frugal science.

SynBio gets developed everywhere around the world

SynBio 101

SynBio 101 brings synthetic biology to the scientists of tomorrow through frugal DIY kits, 3D lessons, and modules, and free interactive videos, aiming to expose younger audiences to this novel field at an earlier age.

The team participated in the Sumbawa River Cleanup Project with Universitas Technologi Sumbawa, SynBio Indonesia and Foldscope for a hands-on workshop on synthetic biology and its application for plastic waste removal and recycling, and also conducted a workshop for students in Georgia, USA.

Supporting your career and upskilling your passion

Connecting Global Communities

Art x Bio


iGEM Community launched the SynBio Job Board and hosted over 150+ job offers & funding opportunities from around the world.

Meet the 2023 cohort of Ambassadors & Promoters
Meet the 2023 cohort of Project Heads & Members