Congreso Biogenesis focuses on biotechnology and entrepreneurship innovations. It is ideal for inspiring young students that are interested in science and want to know more about Mexico’s and Latin America's biotech ecosystem and how to be part of it in the future.

  • Event Date: April 19th-20th, 2023
  • iGEM Representatives: Andrea Sánchez Rodríguez, iGEM Ambassador to Latin America, Ricardo Camilo Chavez, VP of Leagues (iGEM Foundation), Daniel D. Gomez, Director of Synthetic Biology Development (iGEM Foundation), and Jose G. Martinez (Project Head, iGEM Community)

Andrea participated in discussions about the recent synthetic biology developments, particularly recent iGEM programs, with people of the synbio ecosystem such as Daniel Domínguez (Director of Synthetic Biology Ecosystems), Camilo Chávez (iGEM Leagues Vice President), Ana Paula Acevedo (Startups and Design League alumni), José Garza (iGEM Startups and iGEM Community). The objective of the talk was to inspire students from different universities about joining the iGEM Competition and let them know about all the fields that the iGEM Foundation has such as Leagues, Startups, and Community.

More than 350 individuals attended the event. While the main attendees were students, but also important elements of the Latam biotechnology ecosystem in Mexico

Students from Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP), Universidad Jesita de Guadalajara (ITESO), Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa (UAS) and Universidad Interserrana del Estado de Puebla (UIEPA) connected with Andrea to find out more about the different iGEM Competitions and how can they be a part of them.

To find more information about the iGEM Ambassadors for Latin America and regional synbio activities visit our Latin America webpage. Learn more about the Ambassador Program here.

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