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SynBio Community News

He’s Gleaning the Design Rules of Life to Re-Create It
iGEM Edinburgh, Global

Puraffinity (iGEM Imperial) completes £16.93 million Series A round to develop precision technologies which remove toxic “forever chemicals” from water
iGEM Imperial, Europe

David Baker, Faculty Advisor of University of Washington iGEM Team, wins 2024 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his work on computational protein design
iGEM University of Washington, Global

A new $60-million Biosustainability Hub at The University of Queensland will use synthetic biology to help businesses transition to net zero
SynBio Community, Asia & Oceania

National Science Foundation has made five awards totaling $75 million to support the creation of five biofoundries
SynBio Community, North America

BoobyBiome (iGEM Startup) Secures £1.6M Innovate UK Biomedical Catalyst Grant for Groundbreaking Synbiotic Research
iGEM Edinburgh, Europe

iGEM Zurich 2022 publishes their project on sensing and mitigating Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) using a novel probiotic kit in ACS Synthetic Biology
iGEM Zurich, Europe

Biomatter (iGEM Vilnius Lithuania 2018) raises 6.5 Million Euros seed round to unlock the power of generative AI and Enzyme Design.
iGEM Vilnius Lithuania, Europe

Mushroom houses: NASA wants to grow its own Mars habitats from fungi (iGEM 2018 Stanford-Brown-RISD)
iGEM Stanford-Brown-RISD, North America

Granza Bio (an iGEM Startup) grabs $7M seed from Felicis and YC to advance delivery of cancer treatments
iGEM Startup, North America

Yogesh Goyal and Ann Kennedy from Northwestern University named 2024 Pew Scholars
SynBio Community, North America

Bezos Centre for Sustainable Protein launches at Imperial with $30m funding, Dr Rodrigo Ledesma-Amaro (PI iGEM Imperial) appointed as Center Director.
iGEM Imperial, Europe

China's Shenzhen builds complete innovation chain to empower synthetic biology enterprises
SynBio Community, Asia & Oceania

IDT Unveils State-of-the-Art Synthetic Biology Hub, Propelling Innovation in Coralville, Iowa
SynBio Community, North America

LabGenius (iGEM Imperial) Raises £35M in Series B Funding for AI-Powered Antibody Drug Discovery
iGEM Imperial, Europe

Interdisciplinary Innovation: Pioneering Study Propels Biomaterial Development Forward
SynBio Community, Europe

Wes Robertson appointed to lead synthetic genomics research as PNAC Lead at LMB
SynBio Community, Europe

Researchers develop ‘Founding Document’ on synthetic cell development
SynBio Community, North America

Natalie Farny (former co-chair iGEM Measurement Committee) receives $1.2 million award to determine how environment impacts gene expression in bacteria
SynBio Community, North America

Ashwin Jainarayanan (iGEM IISER Mohali/co-founder Granza Bio) has been selected for 2024 Schmidt Science Fellow program
iGEM IISER Mohali, Global

iGEM UPenn's low-cost open-source optoPlateReader published in Communications Biology.
iGEM UPenn, North America

Shanghai establishes synthetic biology innovation center
SynBio Community, Asia & Oceania

Marc Güell, PI of iGEM UPF Barcelona, recognised as an ICREA research professor.
SynBio Community, Europe

Tobias Erb receives ERC Advanced Grant of f 2.8 Million Euros for his project "pro2neo-RUBISCO".
SynBio Community, Europe

Seattle biotech research hub launches with big goals for growth, scientific advances
SynBio Community, North America

FabricNano’s cell-free biotech could make microplastics a thing of the past
SynBio Community, Europe

Prof. Jeroen Eyckmans has received a $2 million grant from the Hevolution Foundation to speeding the healing of wounds in Old Age
SynBio Community, North America

The New Plastic Era: Denmark's Revolutionary CO2 Conversion
SynBio Community, Europe

European Commission takes action to boost biotechnology and biomanufacturing in the EU
SynBio Community, Europe

Synthetic biology advances to generate $30B opportunity for Australia
SynBio Community, Asia & Oceania

IIT Madras Partners with Vellon Space to Advance Biomanufacturing in Microgravity
SynBio Community, Asia & Oceania

Concordia’s Genome Foundry and Bioprocessing Centre receives $2 million to boost Biomanufacturing
SynBio Community, North America

KAUST finds chemical alternatives for agarwood perfume production
SynBio Community, Asia & Oceania

Pearl Bio and Merck Ink $1B Synthetic Biology Deal
SynBio Community, North America

Scope Biosciences secures €2.5 MILLION EIC-Transition Grant to Revolutionize Point-of-Care Diagnostics with the CRISPR-CAS based Scopdex platform.
iGEM Waginengen, Europe

Viraless: The next frontier in biosecurity and biodefence?
iGEM NU Kazakhastan, Asia & Oceania

Ginkgo Bioworks announces the Ginkgo Technology Network
SynBio Community, North America

A Great Bioeconomy for the Great Lakes
SynBio Community, North America

The green gold rush: How investment into synthetic biology could help achieve net zero
SynBio Community, Global

Big Problems, Tiny Solutions: How Synthetic Biology Is Building A Stronger Future
SynBio Community, Global

How researchers are “CReATiNG” synthetic chromosomes faster and cheaper
SynBio Community, North America

New Seattle Hub for Synthetic Biology launches to build a 'genomic smart watch'
SynBio Community, North America

Scientists engineer smart bacteria that live in your skin to treat acne
SynBio Community, Europe

Goldman Sachs Successfully Closes $650 Million Life Sciences Fund
SynBio Community, North America

Neoplants shows off its Neo P1 bio-engineered air-purifying plant
SynBio Community, Europe

Senti Bio Announces FDA Clearance of IND Application for SENTI-202 for the Treatment of Relapsed or Refractory Hematologic Malignancies Including Acute Myeloid Leukemia
SynBio Community, North America

The BioWell Accelerator, a First Bight-Led initiative, Receives Prestigious Federal Grant
SynBio Community, North America

Singapore and Portugal stress on investing in synthetic biology as one of the the 4 key technologies
SynBio Community, Asia & Oceania

HKUMed reveals new strategy for updating vaccines against evolving COVID-19 variants
SynBio Community, Asia & Oceania

Imperial’s Alumni Award winners 2024
SynBio Community, Europe

Tobias Erb receives the Leibniz Award 2024
SynBio Community, Europe

NUS scientists construct Asia's largest synthetic yeast genome
SynBio Community, Asia & Oceania

Emmanuel Macron announces ambitious research reforms
SynBio Community, Europe

Bio X AI: Policy Recommendations For A New Frontier
SynBio Community, Global

Synthetic Biology Moves From the Lab to the Marketplace
SynBio Community, Global

Synthetic Biology on EU's critical technologies list of important biotechnologies
SynBio Community, Europe

SIGSYNCELL, un projet européen sur les cellules synthétiques
SynBio Community, Europe

BacCam is a biological camera that turns DNA into an image-storing device
iGEM NUS, Asia & Oceania

Report on engineering biology: opportunities for the UK economy and national goals
SynBio Community, Europe

Israel's Reichman U. launches molecular biology, engineering institute
SynBio Community, Asia & Oceania

Nanda City set to become world's synthetic biology highland
SynBio Community, Asia & Oceania

TotalEnergies and Bluepha to advance PLA/PHA adoption in China
iGEM Startup, Asia & Oceania

Drug Development For Neglected Tropical Diseases Is Finally Getting A Tool That Can Get The Job Done
SynBio Community, Global

Synthetic Biology Can Be Used to Help Plants Produce a Wide Range of Valuable Natural Products
SynBio Community, Europe

New Synthetic E. coli Is Immune to Bacteriophage Infection
SynBio Community, Europe

Can synthetic polymers replace the body's natural proteins?
SynBio Community, North America

Viruses help combat antibiotic-resistant bacteria
2018 Munich, Europe

Israeli researchers find possible new therapies for rare neurological disorder
Ben Gurion University, Asia & Oceania

Synthite to set up Centre for Metabolic Engineering and Synthetic Biology at Cochin Univ
SynBio Community, Asia & Oceania

Beyond Biology: Using the Fundamentals of Synthetic Biology to Address Complex Problems
SynBio Community, North America

First" Bacteria to Upcycle Single-Use PET Heading to Space
SynBio Community, North America

Concordians hope to see real progress at the 15th UN biodiversity conference
SynBio Community, North America

Government of Canada invests over $5.6 million to help early-stage genomics (and engineering bioloy) companies bring new products to market
SynBio Community, North America

Forest City SynBio opens the door for everyday Canadians to invest in synthetic biology
SynBio Community, North America

The coming of age of European synthetic biology
SynBio Community, Europe

UKI2S expands fund by £37 million to speed up British innovation
SynBio Community, Europe

How China May Soon Lead the Bio-Revolution
SynBio Community, Asia & Oceania

Experts showcase next-gen biotech solutions to climate crisis
SynBio Community, Europe

Concordia students earn $30K prize and move on to the next phase of the Deep Space Food Challenge
2020 Concordia, North America

IIT Madras Alumni Turn Seaweed Into Innovative Biofuel, Raise $9 Million in Funding
IIT Madras 2008, Asia & Oceania

Investments are flowing into synthetic biology - the red-hot field that will change the world
iGEM TAU, Asia & Oceania

Forbes Spotlights Cancer Drug Research of Stony Brook Grads
2015 Stonybrook, North America

Can Synthetic Biology Save Us? This Scientist Thinks So.
SynBio Community, North America

W&M emphasizes real-world skills in undergrad projects
W&M iGEM, North America

New test makes detection of genetic material visible to the naked eye
2017 TU Delft, Europe

Concordia PhD student is awarded $100K to pursue research in genetic engineering
2020 Concordia, North America

U of L’s Synbridge helps Paramoria Agri-Science work on reducing fungicide use
SynBio Community, North America

Community lab in Baltimore aims to put science in the people's hands
Baltimore Crew iGEM, North America

Synthetic Biology: The Next Step in the Cannabinoid Revolution
SynBio Community, North America

Discover how Synthetic Biology is reshaping our world at 4TH SPACE
SynBio Community, North America

How many cells in that sample?
2018 WPI, North America

A Different Culture Shaping Synthetic Biology in Europe
SynBio Community, Europe

A synbio startup from Prague aims to revolutionize diagnostics by biocomputing
2015 Czech Repulic, Europe

Groundbreaking Genome Foundry places Concordia at the forefront of synthetic biology
SynBio Community, North America
iGEM Teams In The News

ISRAGEM Competition
Hebrew, Europe

The planet is paying for your iced coffee but it doesn’t have to
English, North America

Latvian students develop a plant-derived enzyme that could be used in pesticides
English, Europe

Students tranform used French fries into medicine
Dutch, Europe

Change the world by your relationships
English, North America

The Egyptian Armed Forces organized a ceremony to honor the research team participating in the International Genetic Engineering Competition
Arabic, Africa

Friendzymes wins gold at the iGEM 2021 Jamboree
English, Global

UT Austin Tackles Devastating White Nose Syndrome in Bats Through Synbio
English, North America

UM's first ever, Prairie iGEM team to compete in Paris – win international biotech grant for zebra mussel control device
English, North America

UBCO students aim to create light, win iGEM competition
English, North America

Detecting kidney disease: Harvard students combine computation, bioengineering to detect protein biomarker
English, North America

UCSC iGEM developing yeast-based type 2 diabetes medication for 2022 international competition
English, North America

U.Va. iGEM team aims to revolutionize biosynthesis in a metabolic engineering project
English, North America

UO undergrads working to develop a concussion biosensor
English, North America

Team in iGem competition: Aim to detect colorectal cancer with bacterium
English, Europe

Dutch student team develops sensor that warns of spiked drinks
English, Europe

UBC Okanagan students win gold standard at iGem Paris
English, North America

UT Students Working to Save Central Texas Bats from Infection
English, North America

William & Mary’s iGEM team is taking their chassis project to Paris
English, North America

成大iGEM團隊遠赴巴黎7度奪金 挑戰太空任務
Chinese/Mandarin, Asia & Oceania

Fikk sølvmedalje med celluloseproduserende bakterie
Norwegian, Europe

UCalgary undergrad team creates plastic replacement to cut down on food waste
English, North America

Universitarios costarricenses ganan oro en iGEM, competencia mundial de biología sintética
Spanish, Latin America

Χρυσό μετάλλιο για την ομάδα iGEM Athens στο διεθνή διαγωνισμό συνθετικής βιολογίας iGEM 2022
Greek, Europe

Ομάδα φοιτητών των ΕΚΠΑ-ΕΜΠ κέρδισε το χρυσό μετάλλιο σε Παγκόσμιο Διαγωνισμό Βιολογίας!
Greek, Europe

#Ashesi BioEngineering Student Team wins Silver Medal at Synthetic Biology Competition
Ghanaian, Africa

成大iGEM團隊挑戰太空任務 遠赴巴黎7度奪金
Chinese/Mandarin, Asia & Oceania

UM student research team wins gold medal at iGEM
English, Asia & Oceania

UM FHS undergraduate students win gold medal at iGEM
English, Asia & Oceania

The College’s iGEM team wins gold in international synthetic biology competition
English, North America

Pesquisadoras da UFOP vencem maior competição de biologia sintética do mundo
Portuguese, Latin America

Ayuntamiento colabora con UMA para impulsar su participación en competición internacional de biología sintética
Spanish, Europe

La UMA, en la mayor competición de biología sintética en París
Spanish, Europe

El Ayuntamiento colabora con UMA para impulsar su participación en competición internacional de biología sintética
Spanish, Europe

Un equipo de jóvenes investigadores participará en 'iGEM 2022', la mayor competición de biología sintética del mundo
Spanish, Europe

Crisply; IIT Roorkee’s Cost-effective & easy to use Cervical Cancer Testing Kit
English, Asia & Oceania

VU studentų kuriamu išradimu medikai susidomėjo dar jo net nepristačius – tai padės kovoti su kraujagyslių užsikimšimu
Lithuanian, Europe

University of Bath students design system to prevent algal blooms
English, Europe

Yale’s winning iGEM team talks inspiration and challenges
English, North America