The iGEM Ambassador to Latin America, Jair Alexis Gardea Saenz, attended the Leadership and Sustainability Congress organized by the Secretary of Sustainability of the Tecnológico de Monterrey Guadalajara Campus.

  • Event Date: April 16th, 2024
  • iGEM Representative: Jair Alexis Gardea Saenz, iGEM Ambassador to Latin America

The congress was attended by entrepreneurs working in the area of sustainable development such as leaders behind the companies Ashoka and Gricha as well as representatives of organizations that generate leadership opportunities for youth (such as Rodrigo Rosales of the National Hispanic Institute, and Iris Ocegueda climate activist). They shared their experience and how they're acting as agents of change in the sustainable area, while inspiring the audience.

Jair presented the sustainability aspect of his iGEM 2022 team’s project, iGEM Tec-Chihuahua team, where the team developed a biofungicide generated from synthetic biology that sought to generate a sustainable agriculture.

He also commented on some of the valuable skills that are developed in the competition such as:

  • Data Analysis
  • Leadership
  • Gene Design
  • Bioethics and Safety
  • Human Practices
  • Entrepreneurship

He also shared how to be part of iGEM the iGEM Competition and the opportunities available for iGEMers through iGEM Community and iGEM Startups to continue supporting the synthetic biology community and the ecosystem.

To find more information about the iGEM Ambassadors & Promoters for Latin America and regional synbio activities visit our Latin America webpage. Learn more about the Ambassador Program here.

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