
The Global Alliance of SynBio Associations (SynBio Alliance) started in 2020 with the mission to connect associations and synbio-related organizations and recognize their contributions to the advancement of synthetic biology.

If you are part of or know a synbio-related organization, or even would like to start your own association: We want to hear from you! Please fill this form or reach out to alliance@igem.org.


SynBio Alliance Blog Series

Learn more about our work and discover different SynBio Associations from around the world on our SynBio Alliance Blog Series. You can also check about them on our Associations Gallery.


Provide a platform for SynBio Associations to network and discover shared goals for themselves.

Engage regional Synthetic Biology leaders to develop best practices for our international community.

Highlight the current regional challenges and what groups have been doing to overcome them.

Enhance strong collaborations between the associations ready to embrace the future of SynBio, together.

Learn More

Through the Competition, iGEMers learn the importance of engaging and including our society in the scientific conversation; and the power of working together to solve gaps in the bio-economy. Many iGEMers take these learnings and values to continue making an impact in their local communities, through regional associations and other informal organizations. At the SynBio Alliance, we want to bring all these groups together.

Do you want to learn more about different SynBio Associations and get some tips on how to create your own? Check out our interview report from 2020: SynBio Around the World Booklet

Synchrony, Egypt


Allbiotech, Latin America


EUSynBioS, Europe


SynBio Africa, Africa


SynBio Canada, Canada


ATG Synbio Spain, Spain


GASB, Germany


Synthetic Biology Australasia (SBA), Australasia


SynBio Indonesia, Indonesia


CCiC, China


GLSB, United States


SynBio BR, Brazil


SynBioNL, Netherlands


SynBio Alliance Events


SynBio United

We are happy to announce SynBio United 2023, a virtual gathering for Synthetic Biology Associations and Networks from around the world. Join us on August 26th, at 13:00 - 16:00 UTC for an interactive event with panel discussions, topic presentations and a lot of networking.

SynBio Alliance at the 2022 Grand Jamboree

The Global Alliance of SynBio Associations (SynBio Alliance) brought SynBio Associations together, in-person at the iGEM Grand Jamboree in Paris!

SynBio Alliance: Open Invitation to the RATC

Learn more about the Built With Biology Race Against the Clock (RATC) and the Global Alliance of SynBio Associations. The session happened live on LinkedIn and you can check the recording now.

2021 iGEM Community Kickoff Event

2021 marks the 5th year of iGEM Community, and as we grow bigger and stronger we want to kick-off this year by connecting with our community and inviting you to become a part of it.

Associations Events

Coming Soon!


The Alliance is led by iGEM Community members and volunteers representing different Associations from around the globe. If you would like to join and represent your organization, please contact us at alliance@igem.org. Current members will be displayed soon!