Can you tell me a bit about the iGEM Community?

iGEM Community is a structured program under iGEM Foundation, in parallel with its programs on Competition, Startups, Technology, Responsibility, Leagues, and Jamboree. The community is built of individuals who are/have been a part of any program, initiative or competition under the iGEM umbrella. With approximately 60,000 individuals who have gone through the iGEM Competition and/or have contributed to or participated in the efforts of iGEM, our community is growing, evolving and building up the future of the iGEM universe.

Through iGEM Community we invite, engage, and co-create projects and activities with our working groups to support our community and help it succeed. We provide the community with opportunities, resources and mentorship that will help them with their career goals and development both as an individual and community member.

I haven’t participated in iGEM Competition, can I still join iGEM Community?

Yes, anyone is welcome to engage with iGEM Community. If you haven’t participated in any of the iGEM competitions or related programs but would still like to contribute as a member of the iGEM Community, you can join our projects as project members or propose a project yourself which has value for the global synthetic biology community.

What are iGEM Community projects?

In iGEM Community we work to provide tools and resources that will help you create projects that are beneficial for iGEMers. With our topics, we seek to represent the different career paths followed within our community, and aim to generate opportunities focused in three main goals:

  • Discover and curate the resources which are produced by and benefit iGEMers

  • Connect individuals and promote networking around the different areas of interest

  • Develop projects and initiatives geared towards specialized areas related to synbio

Check our projects in iGEM Community:

What are the working groups of iGEM Community?

iGEM Community working groups are specialised teams that come together to build projects, support iGEM Community goals and initiatives, and build our global community.

I want to join a project from iGEM Community, how can I do that?

Everyone is invited to get involved in different projects that impact and benefit our community! You can find a project that resonates with you on our website (, and reach out to the Project Head on how you can join and contribute to their work.

Can I join the project/s at any time in the year?

All projects are led by dedicated Project Heads, who manage their working groups and welcome members interested in helping (see question above). You can also propose new projects and become a Project Head, just watch out for our periodic open calls!

I want to reach out to the iGEM Ambassadors, how can I get support from them?

iGEM Ambassadors can help you in a number of ways:

  • If you’re planning on starting a new iGEM team, iGEM Ambassadors can guide you with resources developed from the iGEM Foundation, and also share their personal experience as an iGEM Competition participant.

  • If you’re a member of an iGEM team, your regional iGEM Ambassadors can help you connect with the regional iGEM and synthetic biology community, share resources and guides about the iGEM Competition

  • If you’re an iGEM alumni and are looking for opportunities to connect with the iGEM and synbio community, you can connect with iGEM Ambassadors for support. You can also reach out to the for opportunities to contribute to the synbio ecosystem or access opportunities from iGEM Community to advance your careers.

To connect with the ambassadors from the region and learn more about their activities, check the ambassadors webpage!

We want to host an iGEM Competition info session at our institute to help build an iGEM team, can iGEM Community help?

One of the goals of iGEM Ambassadors is to help promote iGEM and synthetic biology in their regions. Our Ambassadors can give talks, webinars or workshops at your institute. Find out about the iGEM Ambassadors in your region on their webpage.

I am an iGEM alumni, what are the resources available for me that can advance my career?

Whether you’re prospective iGEMer, current team member or an alumni, we are continuously developing resources for you to facilitate your growth in competition, community and career. From a dedicated job-board for iGEMers to networking opportunities. From webinars and workshops to help you progress in sectors such as academia and industry to learning resources on different synthetic biology topics, we are continuously building resources for your career advancement.

I want to collaborate or partner with iGEM Community, how can I collaborate or partner with iGEM Community?

As a community centric program we are always looking for partners and opportunities who share the same values as us and can help realise and amplify our goals for the global synthetic biology community and ecosystem. For partnership and collaboration related queries reach out to us at

How do I stay up-to-date with information from iGEM Community?

There are number of ways you can do it: