

The Mentorship Program applications are now open for both of the 2025 iGEM Competitions (Collegiate & High School)!

As iGEMers, we have had our share of less-than-ideal experiences such as summer projects being too ambitious to finish, BioBrick parts not working (or even going into plasmids backwards!), and team wikis being unfinished until the very last second. iGEM is all about working together to make biology fun and easy to engineer, and we hope that this voluntary non-official Mentorship Program will bring new teams and alumni together, and enable everyone to meet their goals for iGEM 2024.

Learn More & Apply

The Mentorship Program provides the means for new high school, collegiate (undergrad and overgrad), and community lab iGEM teams to learn how the iGEM Competition works. Also, it is a chance for experienced iGEMers to give back to the community, interact with the next-generation of Competition participants, and gain practical experience in communication, leadership, and mentoring skills. The Program has been running since 2015 and has helped to introduce, guide, and support many adventures in the marvelous journey up until the Jamboree, and beyond!

The mentors and teams will be matched considering their expertise and research interest. iGEM Community staff will coordinate the program by providing support and guidance for the mentors and teams. We hope all the groups will enjoy this unique opportunity to learn, teach, and share.

Connect with us at mentors@igem.org! Also, make sure to check our Program Guidelines

Does your team need a mentor?

This program is a great fit for teams who would like to better understand the iGEM Competition through an experienced iGEM Mentor. Covering the basics from Competition deliverables to important deadlines, while also adding the mentor’s own tips and professional experience to the mix.

All iGEM teams, including high school and collegiate level teams, are eligible to apply for mentorship, but preference will be given to:

  • New teams with 0-2 years of iGEM experience
  • Teams who have faced challenges in past competitions
  • Teams that have experienced a gap year

Do you want to be a mentor?

Mentors are iGEMers with previous experience in the iGEM Competition, so they understand the structure and requirements of the Competition. They will help their teams navigate the Competition, and support their teams while they progress through notable dates and work towards deadlines. To join as a mentor you must have:

  • At least 1 year of experience in the iGEM Competition
  • At least 2 hours per week to engage with your team

iGEM Headquarters will not be responsible or liable in any way for any unsatisfactory mentor or mentee team behavior or conduct. Contact info will be kept confidential and will only be shared between reasonably paired mentors and teams. Advice shared between mentor and team may not be reflective of any organization or institution with which either party may be affiliated. Also, it does not reflect iGEM Headquarters official standing - teams should still use the official contact email (hq AT igem DOT org) to get in touch with iGEM HQ.