Pinays can STEM - Celebrating every Pinay’s skills, capabilities, and dreams in STEM
article by Dianne Aguas, Camille Mendoza, Sab Monasterio (STEM+PH – Unilab Foundation)
Pinays Can STEM shows young girls that they too, with their own abilities, can do anything! By building their confidence and exposing them to the wonders of STEM, we encourage them to achieve greater heights, then eventually reimagine a better life for the nation.
STEM+PH is a Unilab Foundation’s flagship program that promotes STEM education by nurturing integrated STEM learners, innovators, and the workforce launched Pinays Can STEM, an online community advocacy that aims to empower and encourage young Filipinas in STEM. Pinays Can STEM encourages and influences Filipinas to pursue their dreams while providing them with opportunities to lead the future, inspiring others to do the same. When given the right choices, opportunities, and tools, Filipinas can achieve greater heights in STEM, no matter what job they decide to take.
What I want to see is to have any young girl interested in science find role models in an accepting environment, to push them to pursue that career and be successful in it.
- Dr. Reina Reyes, Physicist, in Pinay’s Can STEM’s #MySTEMJourney video last November 2020.
Addressing the gender gap in STEM
The Philippines ranks 16th in the world’s gender gap, making the country have the smallest gender gap in Asia. In fact, women comprise 49% of the Science and Technology workforce. However, even with this growth, many factors contribute to the gender gap in STEM, particularly for young female learners. On average, only 36% of STEM graduates are women, and from that, only 46.2% are employed in STEM-related fields.
According to the Youth in STEM report, research findings showed that the presence of Filipina role models, either as STEM professionals or as industry leaders in STEM, directly influence young girls’ interest in pursuing that path.
There is a significant gap in the area of STEM subjects that males are more likely to pursue, such as Engineering, compared to females who are more inclined to take medical-related subjects and careers such as Chemistry and Biology. Aligned with this is another notable finding that female students across the country were more inclined to pursue STEM as a discipline when they are able to contribute to society.
Much is yet to be done in raising awareness on other STEM careers, particularly on the natural sciences, technology, and mathematics.
I want to shatter the notion that you have to fit a certain criterion to pursue a career here—that you can wear head-to-toe pink and still be taken seriously. STEM will be a place for all women. The future of STEM won't be as daunting as hearing ‘science, technology, engineering, and mathematics because it will be multidisciplinary, collaborative, creative, and non-judgmental.
- Erika Modina, President of EpiMetrics, Inc., in Pinay’s Can STEM’s Pinay of the Month article ‘Healing Together: Erika Modina’s Journey with Public Health’ last January 2021.
A whole gamut of hindering factors—the male-dominated STEM education system, the lack of support towards girls’ capabilities, gender stereotypes and biases, and the global digital divide—disproportionately affects women and girls everywhere. In the country, the apparent lack of female role models, prevailing gender stereotypes, and the underrepresentation of women professionals in STEM discourage young Pinays to pursue the STEM track.
Diversity should come in the form of increased opportunities for all gender and socioeconomic strands so that tech turns into a right instead of a privilege.
Audrey Pe, Founder of WiTech, in Pinays Can STEM’s STEMpower article: This International Day of the Girl, meet the (girl) gang making their mark in STEM, during International Day of the Girl last October 2020.
Strengthening gender advocacy through role models
Founded on the belief that all Pinays are able to create life-changing breakthroughs, it is Pinays Can STEM’s vision to build a community of STEM Pinays believing in their own capabilities. Breaking barriers and defying gender perceptions, the advocacy platform provides insightful infographics, interactive quizzes, local and international inventions and achievements, and inspirational role models for all young Pinays. Through these stories and STEM journeys, young girls will feel more inspired and be more aware of how diverse STEM careers are, motivating them to pursue their destined path in STEM.
Ever more highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic, Filipinas have had a presence and a greater contribution not only in healthcare, but also in research, engineering, information technology, and public health in the country. In a recent study by the International Labour Organization, gender diversity in the workplace has increased profitability, productivity, and creativity in various Filipino companies, pushing the growing need to invest in building opportunities for women in STEM.
I think it's great to see different organizations like Pinays Can STEM where I can talk to real-life Pinays in STEM and hear her backstory and what drove her to pursue this field.
STEM Student Jammy Mapa in Pinays Can STEM’s #MySTEMRoleModel video with Angelyn Mercado, a Pinay in Robotics.
Within just a few months, Filipinas have already shared their experiences in STEM--from inadequate support from their environment, gender discrimination, to the lack of opportunities in STEM--all of which affects their own choices in their careers.
“My goals in STEM aren’t fully supported by my parents because they think that my kuya should be the breadwinner of the family. I wish to take med, regardless if I’m the breadwinner or not. I’ll be a winner for myself.”
- Testimonial from a 3rd-year high school STEM student in one of Pinays Can STEM’s posts.
Through informative social media cards and articles, and videos centered around role models and women empowerment, Pinays Can STEM continues to engage more young Filipinas to pursue the STEM track, and has featured more than 20 Pinays in STEM, over 500,000 audience reach, and more than 4,000 followers on their Facebook and Instagram pages in just 1 year.
“I am a consistent honor student and pangarap ko talaga na magkaroon ng M.D.-Ph.D sa dulo ng pangalan ko. A future doctor that’ll soon make a great change. But a lot of people around me are insisting that I should not continue because it’s a waste of time and money. Sayang daw ako and so on. Despite these comments, I still chose STEM as my strand with no hesitation and I’m proud of being a STEM student.”
- Testimonial from a Pinay in one of Pinays Can STEM’s posts.
Awakening Transformative Consciousness
Pinays Can STEM, Unilab Foundation, and STEM+ PH recognize that, to build an inclusive community for women to grow in STEM, their surrounding environment should actively take part in the process. Institutions such as schools and companies can promote gender equality by bringing more women leaders, creating and preserving safe spaces for women. Male classmates, peers, and family members can be allies who commit to promoting gender inclusion and sensitivity. Leaders can also strengthen and implement existing policies that facilitate STEM education and fields, promote women empowerment, and strengthen partnerships in the women’s sector, policies against harassment, and accountability mechanisms. STEM+PH recognizes the youth’s role in transforming society and, as the leaders of the future, it takes conscious effort to plant the seeds on the importance of women’s economic empowerment and gender equality in the workplace and provide them the opportunity to demonstrate and test their leadership.
By exposing our girls to STEM, we give them the freedom to explore its wonders, opportunities, and eventually develop their passions. This will inspire others to live a life well-lived by following their STEM dreams, then eventually reimagine a better life for the nation.
Pinays Can STEM hopes to influence young Filipinas to start with the small things, then further transform their STEM dreams into reality.
Let’s empower Pinays in STEM together! Check out our pages for more updates: Facebook, Instagram, Blog.
“In the future, I envision women to be and feel as welcome in STEM as in any other discipline.”
- Angelina Aquino, Teaching Associate under the Electrical and Electronics Engineering Institute at University of the Philippines, in Pinays Can STEM’s Pinay of the Month article ‘Defying Deviations: Exceeding the Norm with Angelina Aquino’ last December 2020.
In STEM+PH, we continue to collaborate and co-create with like-minded organizations as part of our advocacy to provide equal opportunities for Filipinos, as well as adequate and quality access to STEM education. After all, in order to achieve this, a collective effort from diverse sectors is a must.
We look forward to your support and collaboration in further empowering young Filipinos to pursue STEM.
You may reach us at or check our Facebook page for more information!
Together, we can #STEMify the Philippines!
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1: World Economic Forum. (2020). Global Gender Gap Report 2020.
2: Wadhawa, D. (2019, May 17). The World Bank. World Bank Blogs.
3: Philippine Statistics Authority. (2016). The Statistical Handbook on Women and Men in the Philippines.
4: Student Edge’s YouthInsight, Unilab Foundation’s STEM+PH, & Philippine Business Coalition for Women Empowerment (PBCWE). (2020). Perceptions of the Filipino Youth Around STEM and The Need to Understand It.
5: International Labor Organization. (2020, September 18). Gender diversity is good for business says new ILO survey in the Philippines.