This is a series of talks addressing the experiences of Industry Professionals. The series represented all kinds of job positions, from biologists to project managers and business developers, but also independent professionals who launched their own business. The series also brought in seasoned professionals and iGEM alumni who just landed their first job. The talks covered job applications, writing resumes, switching careers, and upskilling. No matter the stage of your career, you are sure to find great advice.
This series is oriented towards iGEMers and iGEM alumni who are already established in their career or searching for their first role. Three different talks were hosted to bring together experts of the Synbio industry to discuss key topics and to answer your questions.
State of the Industry
The Synthetic Biology industry changes faster than an e.coli culture. This event brought industry experts together to discuss emerging trends in Synthetic Biology. From the impacts of Covid-19 to the molecular tools emerging from the lab to emerging positions and in-demand skills, this talk covered it all.
Promoting your Skills
Turning our whirlwind of an iGEM experience into a few lines on a resume or CV is a challenge we have all faced. This talk brought together hiring managers, academics, industry veterans, and newly hired iGEMers to answer your toughest questions. We covered everything from how to talk about Human Practices in an interview to how to turn your greatest failures into strengths (at least on paper).
Evolving your Career
iGEM Community is all about what’s next and you might be considering what's next in your career path. This talk brought together iGEMers who have gone back to school to gain new credentials or taught themselves in their free time. We covered what skills are in-demand and how you can prepare for the future, no matter your career path.