The iGEM Ambassadors hosted fun-interactive meetups every month for iGEMers to socialize, play and get to know each other. This helped the community come together, interact and discuss topics not just related to synbio or iGEM but any global/regional experience that are be fun to share. New teams learnt about past experiences and stories of iGEM which helped mold their project into a fun and innovative activity. This project was organized by the ambassadors for anyone from the iGEM c ommunity and aimed to:

- Build a platform for people to socialize, share experiences, know about the world around etc.
- Guide the teams throughout the year with different phases of their iGEM journey, such as team development, registration, deadlines etc.
- Set a ground of potential collaborations with iGEM Teams or institutes who could provide them resources to help them with their research work (e,g, wet-lab research)
- Regional meetups in local languages to overcome language barriers.
The sessions were divided in two parts: The Game/Ice breaker and The Discussion. These were open to all iGEMers and happened in 3 different regional zones led by ambassadors on the last weekend of every month.
iGEM 2021 teams were be guided to analyze & plan their deadlines, strategies for collaboration and other aspects of their iGEM experience. The information from these sessions was documented and used to enhance and improve resources for iGEM teams. This program also be extended to regional languages, eventually in collaboration with the members working on Open Science and Accessibility.

iGEMers Miro board
“The iGEMers' Miro board” served as a platform to share thoughts, ideas and events with the commmunity as well as ask us doubts about different aspects of the iGEM project such as the wiki, the registry, the judging form etc.