Community members working in Open Science and Accessibility partnered with Gathering for Open Science Hardware (GOSH) ↗ to continue pursuing open science and synbio development. We brought a Hackathon to Latin America, on the scope of open science (hardware, software, licenses, and innovation) with focus on solutions to accessibility in science. Our community has members spread throughout the globe, and we hope to connect different realities and ways to see science into developing open science projects, focused on cultural exchange and its impact on the outcome.
Our Open Science Hackathon for Accessibility (OScAthon) was hosted in Lima, Peru on September, 2022. The event welcomed participation both online and in-person, had no registration cost, and provided participation certificates! We thank the GOSH ↗ and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation ↗ for their support in making this event a reality.
- Location: Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia (UPCH), Campus Miraflores ↗, Lima - Perú.
- Date(s): 15th - 17th of September, 2022.
Hackathon prompt
How to solve an inaccessibility in science through culture and local art, using open concepts?
Online and in-person activities
The Hackathon activities (team’s project development) were exclusive for on-site attendees. The sessions (talks, workshops and mentoring) were mainly in Spanish, with support in Portuguese and English. The focus of the Hackathon was creating solutions for accessibility in science.
Online participants had access to all talks and presentations! The sessions were be livestreamed on iGEM Video Universe and remain available for you to watch at any time.