RekomBIOnaatio is an annual gathering of bioengineering students from all over Finland. This year, the event took place in Turku, Finland, and was hosted by Nucleus ry.

  • Event Date: November 1st, 2024
  • iGEM Representative: Mariel Turkia, iGEM Ambassador to Europe

Throughout the weekend, students had the opportunity to explore local biotechnology companies in Turku, such as Uniogen, Radiometer, and 3PBIOVIAN. They also connected with local organizations, including student associations and Aboa Turku ry—the group behind the ABOA iGEM team. Together with Sara Makkonen and Tommi Riihinen from Aboa Turku ry, Mariel organized an interactive part for the traditional “Rastikierros” (a competition where teams complete a series of tasks at various checkpoints). The students learned about iGEM, synthetic biology, and the local Finnish iGEM teams, while creating art through pipetting! The participants spun around to get a little dizzy—because the iGEM journey can have its ups and downs!


Did you know?

Finnish students wear overalls and a white cap with a tassel, known as a "teekkarilakki" to students events!

Mariel Turkia, iGEM Ambassador to Europe

"I hope everyone enjoyed our pipetting art activity and was inspired to spread the word about the Finnish iGEM teams or even apply to join. My goal is to see an iGEM team in every major biotech city in Finland, as there is no more educational and fun experience than being part of iGEM!"

To find more information about the iGEM Ambassadors & Promoters for Europe and regional synbio activities visit our Europe webpage. Learn more about the Ambassador Program here.

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