The iGEM Ambassador to Africa, Mahmoud AbdelGawad, recently gave a talk at the Nile University about iGEM and Synthetic Biology.

  • Event Date: December 23rd-24th, 2023
  • iGEM Representative: Mahmoud AbdelGawad, iGEM Ambassador to Africa

Mahmoud AbdelGawad was invited to speak at the The 5th Egyptian Bioinformatics Workshop ↗. The conference covered subjects in genetics, bioinformatics, artificial intelligence, the application of bioinformatics to the science of synthetic biology and other biomedical disciplines.

If you're an iGEM team from Africa or if you want to build an iGEM team from Africa, connect with our Ambassadors to receive guidance and support.

To find more information about the iGEM Ambassadors & Promoters for Africa and regional synbio activities visit our Africa webpage. Learn more about the Ambassador Program here.

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