The iGEM Ambassador to Africa, Kelly Nyanchama, gave a talk aimed for students in the bioscience department, and especially those in their freshman, sophomore and junior years, and additionally for Masters students. These talks were held on 2 separate days.
- Event Date: October 26th & November 2nd, 2023
- iGEM Representative: Kelly Nyanchama, iGEM Ambassador to Africa
The audience was keen to learn about synthetic biology, iGEM and how the competition works. The society (JKUSOB) through its chairman, promised to consider creating a team in the next cycle or participate in the iGEM Leagues program. The society is well organized and they already have prospective ideas for their participation. After the talk, Kelly received a very heartwarming email from the society and that spoke volumes on the impact of the presentation.

If you're an iGEM team from Africa or if you want to build an iGEM team from Africa, connect with our Ambassadors to receive guidance and support.
To find more information about the iGEM Ambassadors & Promoters for Africa and regional synbio activities visit our Africa webpage. Learn more about the Ambassador Program here.
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