Hyper Interdisciplinary Conference is an academic conference to connect various specialists such as scientists, engineers and business persons. Several workshops, oral pitches and poster sessions were held.

  • Event Date: August 5th, 2023
  • iGEM Representative: Rei Abe, iGEM Ambassador to Asia and Oceania

The iGEM Ambassador to Asia and Oceania, Rei Abe, presented on the topic "The genesis of a community in Synthetic Biology in Japan" talking about how synthetic biology is beneficial to the planet as a whole, how the recognition of synthetic biology in Japan is delaying compared to other developed countries, and possible solutions to tackle the problems, referring iGEM as an example of accelerating technology adoption in the country.

Rei introduced iGEM to an audience of 300 participants as a possible way to solve the problem Japan is now facing, increasing the number of students who are interested and have experimental skills in synthetic biology.

After the presentation Rei connected with officers of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology to discuss the potential of supporting students in synthetic biology. During the poster session, she explained what synthetic biology is, what iGEM is and introduced projects of each iGEM team in Japan.

She was visited by over 20 participants at her booth. 3 high school students who are doing research about PETase, 2 undergraduate students and 2 graduate students listened to her poster presentation. Most of them had never heard of iGEM and 4 of them got interested in making an iGEM team from either their own university or the one they will go to next for higher education. She also connected with Academics, clinicians, and 4 CTOs of venture companies who wanted to know more about synthetic biology and iGEM in Japan.

To find more information about the iGEM Ambassadors & Promoters for Asia & Oceania and regional synbio activities visit our Asia & Oceania webpage. Learn more about the Ambassador Program here.

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