All India iGEM Meet (AIIM) is an annual event which focuses teams to strengthen collaboration and present their Projects as Mock Jamboree. This focuses on communication skills per team members and also encourages teams to boost up networking among Indian teams.

  • Event Date: July 27th-30th, 2023
  • iGEM Representative: Sana Jalili, iGEM Promoter to Asia & Oceania

Sana participated in a fireside chat with local entrepreneurs to engage Indian iGEMers, particularly those interested in becoming biofounders, and sharing with them strategies on setting up their bioventures and prevalent financial models in India to support them.

This was followed up with a Q&A with iGEM team members which helped teams to think about each and every aspect of an industrial setup, shared grants and funding options available for bio-startups, gave an opportunity for teams to discuss vital points for being an entrepreneur and continuing their iGEM projects after the iGEM Grand Jamboree.

To find more information about the iGEM Ambassadors & Promoters for Asia & Oceania and regional synbio activities visit our Asia & Oceania webpage. Learn more about the Ambassador Program here.

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